Blogger or Worpress

As I have already said before on my previous post on my blogs, I love blogging on Blogspot for some reasons. I had my first blog at Blogspot but it worked nothing, then I prefered to use Wordpress as my hosting for free. Truly wonderful for the first time using Wordpress with all the services provided and the usability of the engine, it was really great.

But, then I came to realize that sometime I wanted to make my own money by blogging and therefore I need some tweaking over the theme. I did want it to be on Wordpress, but unfortunately the free service doesn’t provide this some kinda tweaking. The theme (or template for Blogspot) cannot be changed unless you apply for the pay service. Pity I were, but did not want to give up. There’s always another way ofcourse.

I then try searching for the other hosting service which covers my needs for my blogging passions. I need the tweaking machine on my own. I want to do it myself easily but with great results. Tired of searching deep into the cyber ocean, I choose my last destination to be on Blogger again. I do it now! This is where I am. All the skills I know of how to tweak the template is implemented very well and without any problems. Indeed the blogger machine has all that I want and I need most.

There a lot of plugins on Wordpress machine, but Blogger has improved on this field too as there also many plugins now found on Blogger (official plugins). And ofcourse the template (theme on Wordpress) can be change at everytime and anytime I want it to. I can freely change the header to any HTML code I have studied before, and change the template body whether the funcionalitiy of “Read More..” should be implemented on my blog or not. All of the flexibility that I have with blogger is on.

The capasity on Wordpress free hosting space has now being very very big. Even now it’s improving the capasity to 3 GB. But, this is influencing me nothing. The Google mistery of it’s hosting capasity still be the greatest mistery and I love mistery, even some people say that it has an unlimited space for the blog posting (not including pictures which can be taken from Google Picasa Web space – don’t worry for this photos and videos hosting).

Wordpress offers flexibility when we post an article with some photos. It stores the photos directly to our blog URL (free hosting) at: and this can be easily done when we use some blog client like WLW (Windows Live Writer) – My Favourite Blog Client.

This is really different from Blogspot that stores the photos on Google Picasa Web. So we have more space to post our articles by separating the space. But, in another case, the Blog Client like WLW cannot directly store the media files (photos or videos attach to our post article) to the Google Picasa Web. So, we need the 3rd party media hosting if we want to use the Blog Clent (WLW) to post these files with.

The most and all of the important thing in using Blogspot is its SEO on Google Index. Our blog on Blogspot will be automatically put on the Google Index Search if we choose to allow Google Search Engine to index the blog. Use this service, and your blog will easily be found by other people from around the world.

Not to make this post longer, I just recommend you to use this Blogspot if you feel that someday someway you’ll like to make your own changes on your blog interface freely and easily available. You’ll find none like Blogspot on the cyberspace which gives the most of all Blogger need to tweak on their blogs. No service like Blogspot! Besides the Google Search Engine is used everyday every minutes by millions and millions of people from all over the world. Don’t miss it!

Have fun!


  1. you're welcome and happy reading on...

  2. aduh, you're making more confused... i wish there'd only one blog hosting with ALL usability :)

    but, u're right anyways... i can't even put many things on's sidebar.

    btw, i'm going back to blogspot (for anotehr new blog), but having problem in attaching PDF files.

    jadi, aq kan bikin majalah PDF gratis. tadinya bisa di-download dari, tapi aq berniat untuk put them di blog terpisah, supaya menghemat space di GI tsb. cuma masalahnya di susah banget attach file PDF yang sampe lebih dari 1 MB dan di Blogspot aq g tau gmn caranya. aaarrrgggh... i'm confused!

    plz help me... :) (begging, begging, begging...)

  3. ini mudah2an bisa membantu...
