At Last - Got The Adsense

After long waiting for approval of my adsence account by Google, today is my lucky day, I'm really really happy for this approval. I just wanna thanks for the people there and start my activity with this new kind of making money online for me.

Well, it's not really new about the google ads for me, but it is really new because I've just waken up from my dream and use this service after reading an ebook which told me much about this money making program from Google and the tips included.

It was started from 2002 that I tried to make money online by many efforts. It was all useless and gave nothing to my pocket. I've learned many since then, the PTR, PTC, PTS, and many more ways to collect some money from my online activities. I have done many things too, from paying to be an affiliate marketer to make my own affiliate sites.

Therefore, I take my very last decision to join on Google Ads and try to do something with it to fullfil my desire for making money online. And start from 7.00 pm today, I officially do what others have done for many years past, being a Google Ads publisher on my own blog, an English written blog ofcourse.

I found many blogs with Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) having the ads showed on that Google TOS says it was warned not to place the code on the unsupported language. I wonder how could this possibly done by the users (publishers)? They run it as it is not doing something out of matter. I don't because I just a newbie now and don't know much about it. But I try my best by just showing it only on my English blog.

I have the other ads showing on my Indonesian blog, the ads from Indonesia ads server. Oh my God, how many ads should I show on my blogs... But, once again, this is only the STARTING POINT and I Will Do It Seriously!


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