If you have websites or at least a site or blog, you might have known the terms for web directory. For example the one which own by Yahoo! that so called Yahoo! Directory. What does it for? Is it just like a directory on your desktop? Hmmm… It seems but not likely.
A web directory is not similar to search engine, it does not display the webs listed on by any keywords. But it’s indexed by categories and subcategories. Inside the categories there would be the list of websites submitted by people who own these webs, and some subcategories if it’s still divided into more categories.
There are two kind of web directories, one is paid web directory and the other is open or free web directory. With the paid one which usually known as business web directory, we should pay some money to submit our link of webs to the directory online (the popular web directory). This directory usually provided by a well known web or search engine such as Yahoo! where our submitted links then reviewed. Besides, there are also free web directory on DMOZ.ORG where you can freely submit any of your website links there without having to paid for.
Many people use web directory to find what they want easily because it's submission is mostly manual and the listing is reviewed first before the webs you submit take listing on some category we choose. We can click on “business” (category) to search for a business opportunity which some webs offered. Go to a specific folder (subcategory) to find the specific listing.
Upon all, for we’re the webs owner, a web directory can be useful to draw traffic to our webs. Just use a popular web directory and let people find our web, no matter it is a paid or free web directory, the function is the same. If you want to try, you may use these ones:
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